Friday, January 29, 2010

Fantastic Fans: Are You?

Michael Jackson truely is a great lagend , an ultra super star and an excellent diva. Unrivalled he's the Pop King we know on earth. Each of his song and choreography so much exciting and inspires every single people from all levels.
After his death, the people and fans from the entire world keep remembering him.They do anythings to realise their esteem to the beloved super star in different ways. The most significant moment in South East Asia region occured here in Philippine. "Dancing Inmates" performance from Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC), a maximum security prison, were treated to a visit by Michael Jacksons long-time choreographer Travis Payne and dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid to learn performances from THIS IS IT.

They make it splendidly. Their performance really excites world attention in distinctive way. Each of us are deserved to put forward our great ideas and show up our self by most impresive means. How about you guys? Show up your self and your appreciation to our diva pop.

Here's the great idea to get spotted in most simplest way that everyone can do!!! Enjoy your self.

Ed Hardy Bulldog Lounge Pants as worn by Michael J